Ian Keaveny

Requiem was made pretty much in one take, apart from some editing in the first part, using the desktop as a performance space to generate feedback in ffplay windows using ffmpeg’s x11grab via mouse and ffmpeg filtering.

The audio was added after, sampled from Samuel Barbers' “Adagio for strings” run through reverse sonification and various other changes, I had it in mind to use that as I made the work as it was on my mind having heard the news that my stepdad had taken a fall and would probably not make it – this work is a direct response to that.

In Loving Memory of Kenneth Richard Piesse 'Ken' 2nd September 1932 - 9th september 2023.


The Wrong Television is a live streaming video platform, managed as a flexible and open virtual art salon, experienced as a linear television channel, curated by David Quiles Guilló and organised by The Wrong Studio, presenting audiovisual exhibitions since 2o2o. 



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