Television is the official open pavilion of The Wrong Biennale 2o23/24. A live streaming group exhibition of videos managed as an open virtual art salon and experienced as a television channel, where content is shuffled around from time to time, and new content is added everyday.
Open Call.
Submit your video links and join Television, the official open pavilion for the 6th edition of The Wrong Biennale, from November 1st. 2o23 to March 31st, 2o24.
Video guidelines.
Your video must be online and public. Vimeo preferred. YouTube ok too. We only accept original material by you / your team.
Any length is ok. Seriously. 16:9 aspect ratio preferred. 4:3 is ok too. No need to be unreleased, just your best, your most awesome.
Artwork guidelines.
Television aligns with The Wrong’s guidelines, and values the essence of joy and the exploration of creativity and audiovisual culture in a positive and constructive way.
Commercial or +18 adult-only content is not allowed. Please do not submit videos with credit watermarks, and avoid any expression of hate, conflict, propaganda or violence.
Deadline: ongoing!
Submit your video links now and until March 31st, 2o24, with title, name of artist, very short description, and public link to video.
If you send it with password protection, or in any non-public setting, it will not be reviewed.
Only videos with public setting will enter selection process, only the videos selected will premiere on Television.
What’s next?
If you are selected, your name will appear in the credits, and your videos will enter the live streaming program. No scheduled showings are in place. Tune in, and enjoy!
It is an ongoing linear tv channel and selected videos are subject to limited temporary display in order to make room for new additions.
If you submit a video and it does not appear in Television, it does not make your proposal or you as artist, unheard or invalid. It merely means that it does not fit the ongoing curatorial context of Television.
Submit your video links.
To submit your links, request extra infos or to say hi, please write to